Half shells and ellbows – MB1000 HS and MB1000 BO

Half shells and ellbows – MB1000 HS and MB1000 BO

Half shells and ellbows – MB1000 HS and MB1000 BO are used for the insulation of metal pipes and bends.  We press these products here into the requested shape, with inside diameters from 1mm up to 600 mm.

We are producing the diameters and insulation thicknesses for your requirements.

The insulation thicknesses can be chosen from 5 mm up to 120 mm. Our MB1000 resist up to 1000 °C long term, and insulates with just 50 mm insulation thickness from 1000 °C down to 80 °C. Please contact us to get the thermal profile for your application.

Due to these extremely low coefficients of thermal conductivity, there is a very big energy saving potential

The material is diffusion open to vapour but they are sensitive to all wetting liquids such as water, oil, petrol, etc., as these liquids destroy the pore structure. Half shells and ellbows – MB1000 HS and MB1000 BO can be stored for an unlimited period of time.

To protect them against mechanical effects, they are laminated with aluminium foil, glass fleece or glass fabric. To achieve a perfect seal, our half-shells are provided with tongue and groove in the longitudinal direction and can also have a tongue and groove on the front side if desired.

MB1000 HS = straight half shells
MB1000 BO = pipe bends

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